Cristal’s Guide to Crushing your Quarter-Life Crisis

Now that my friends and I are living it, I see it all the time: that post-grad, quarter-life crisis that most (…or all) 20-somethings go through as they transition from a student (some sort of weird half-adult where you can live with your friends, buy your own alcohol, not file your own taxes, and pretty much only have to worry about finals week, doing laundry, and not eating your weight in take–out and ramen everyday) to a post-grad adult (some weird sort of half-adult where you don’t feel old, wise, or put together enough to actually call yourself an adult, but you have to do adult things like get a job, find a place to live, pay bills, file your own taxes, pay more bills, leave the hook-up seen (…or not), still do laundry, pay more bills, cook, clean, and of course, pay more bills).

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